21st Century Students
21st Century Students
21st Century Students
21st Century Students

Build a 21st century classroom!

Today's elementary students have spent their entire lives surrounded by information in a variety of mediums. Studies have shown a positive impact on learning when students are required to engage in inquiry, analyze content, construct knowledge, and effectively communicate their learning.

To build your 21st century classroom: take a multimedia approach to learning core content, promote essential learning and innovation skills, build information, media, and technology skills in context and, advance life and career skills.

A digital approach can improve content learning

A 21st-century classroom maintains a strong focus on core curriculum. Exploring content while authoring authentic, media-rich projects helps students develop knowledge that is deeper and connects what is learned in the classroom to the world beyond it.

Digital tools that combine original artwork, with text, images, and voice recording give students ownership in how they demonstrate their understanding and communicate their ideas.

Sample student project, book trailer. Created in Frames.

Promote essential learning and innovation skills

To prepare students for a more complex life and work environment, a 21st-century classroom promotes creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Authentic digital project work requires students to employ:

  • creativity as they develop, implement, and communicate ideas and demonstrate originality and inventiveness;
  • critical thinking as they frame, analyze, and synthesize information to solve problems and answer questions;
  • communication as they articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively and share responsibility for learning.
  • collaboration as they work together to draw on the strengths of individual team members to produce a solution better than they could have created on their own.

Sample collaborative project, artifact interview. Created in Wixie.

Build information, media, and technology skills in context

In order to succeed in today's rapidly-changing world, students must have a "range of functional and critical thinking skills related to information, media and technology."

Using a creative digital tool like Wixie helps students learn to manage, organize, and share information as they develop online content; becoming media producers, not just consumers.

Sample student project, public service announcement. Created in Wixie.

Advance life and career skills

To be successful in the 21st-century, students must be able to work without supervision, in diverse groups, and be productive members of society.

Collaborating on authentic digital projects increases student's capacity for self-directed learning, while helping them build leadership, responsibility, and empathy.

21st Century Student Projects

Creating a 21st-Century Classroom Guide

When creating a 21st-century classroom, you don't need to "add" a thing. The best way to prepare students for a fulfilling and active life in the 21st century is to change HOW we teach and learn in our classrooms.

From classroom management, to project ideas and project-based learning, the Creating a 21st-Century Classroom guide will help you transform your classroom in to a 21st-century learning environment.

Online Tools



Rubric Maker




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