Tech4Learning can support your district's sustained professional learning program with training opportunities that provide new ideas and renewed energy. Our workshops help you create 21st century classrooms through effective technology integration and project-based learning.
Based on education research and Standards for Professional Learning from Learning Forward, our professional development options provide educators with the information, resources, and experience necessary to effectively integrate technology to engage learners in the deep thinking about the curriculum.
Tech4Learning has worked with districts for over 16 years to help transform classrooms into active learning environments where students are engaged, build core subject knowledge, develop high-level thinking and communication skills, and graduate ready to embrace life in the 21st century.
Tech4Learning can help you make the transition to a project-based approach to classroom learning. Participants in our ProjectLearn Academics learn to transform their classrooms into high-level learning spaces where students are challenged with real problems to engage with the curriculum.
UDL is a framework that promotes inclusive education by providing multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression to accommodate the diverse learning needs of all students. Throughout this interactive workshop, participants explore practical techniques for designing and delivering flexible, personalized instruction that maximizes student engagement, participation and achievement.
Our hands-on training supports and complements your school or district's sustained professional development program and your implementation of Tech4Learning's Wixie. These workshops help educators engage learners and boost achievement through the use of creative technology tools.